Hello, my name is Darren Hewer

I am a Web Developer based in Toronto, ON, currently working with Corus Entertainment

Darren Hewer portrait

Who is this guy?

Full Stack Dev

You wanna make a website? I'll make ya a website! Skills! Work!

Husband & Father

My lovely wife and I live with our two boys in Toronto, ON.

Debonair Haberdasher

Not really, but I needed to fill this box! I'm typically pretty casual.

Selected Work

Take a look below at some of my featured work from the past few years.



Bachelor of Arts in Information Systems & Human Behavior

University of Guelph

Honors program equivalent to an interdisciplinary double major in Computer Science & Psychology.

Master of Theological Studies

Tyndale University

Graduate program requiring critical thinking, analytic writing, careful research, and clear writing skills.